LWB1 | p. 8 |
Paragraph "The Universal Personality Profile", line 4/5:
"the common arabic numbers[;]" (semicolon damaged in scan)
LWB1 | p. 9 |
Paragraph "Titles": "Noble titles are commonly used, even if
the individual [is] not engaged in local government."
LWB1 | p. 9 |
Paragraph "Titles": "a noble may have some ancestral lands or
fiefs and may actually have some ruling power." (no comma
before "and")
LWB1 | p. 11 |
Paragraph "Retirement": "A character may serve up to seven
terms of service voluntarily and may leave after any term"
(no comma before "and")
LWB1 | p. 11 |
Mustering Out Benefits table, should read "Gambling: +1 on
cash table" (cf. p. 11 last line, p. 14 cash table).
[Rob Eaglestone, 21 Feb 2022]
LWB1 | p. 12 |
Paragraph "Aging Crisis": The parenthesis in the following
does not make proper grammar with its surroundings: "This
process occurs each time (and for each characteristic) a
characteristic is reduced to zero." Suggestion: "This process
occurs each time a characteristic is reduced to zero (and for
every such characteristic)."
LWB1 | p. 12 |
Aging Table: Hyphens used instead of minus signs.
LWB1 | p. 15 |
Advanced Education Table, row 3: Electronics skill spelled
"Electronic" in all columns.
LWB1 | p. 16 |
Paragraph "Blade Combat", second to last sentence: "-DM"
(hyphen used instead of minus sign).
LWB1 | p. 17 |
Tables "Blades and Polearms" and "Guns": Hyphens used instead
of minus signs.
LWB1 | pp. 17,21-22 |
Skills "Air/Raft", "Ship's Boat", "Streetwise": Hyphens
used instead of minus signs, separated by extra white space.
LWB1 | pp. 18-22 |
Skills "Bribery", "Computer", "Forgery", "Forward
Observer", "Gambling", "Xeno-Medicine", "Vacc Suit": Hyphens
used instead of minus signs.
LWB1 | p. 26 |
Paragraph "Second Term": "Table 2, roll 4= gun combat" should
be roll 6. [CotI, Axe 2019]
LWB1 | p. 27 |
Paragraph "Fourth Term": "Table 2, roll 4= gun combat" should
be roll 6. [CotI, Axe 2019]
LWB1 | p. 27 |
Paragraph "Mustering Out": "benefits table, roll 6 (+1=6)= +1
education" should be roll 2 (+1 = education).
LWB1 | p. 31 |
Tables "Surprise DMs" and "Terrain DMs": Hyphens used instead
of minus signs.
LWB1 | p. 31 |
Second paragraph, sentence 7 (line 17): "Surprise continues
until it is lost, and may th[u]s continue indefinitely."
(letter 'u' damaged in scan)
LWB1 | p. 32 |
Line 6: "-1" (hyphen used instead of minus sign).
LWB1 | p. 32 |
Line 6: "short [or] close"
LWB1 | p. 32 |
Line 10: "option of the [referee]"
LWB1 | p. 32 |
Line 11: "[on the] situation" (missing space)
LWB1 | p. 32 |
Line 13: "c[o]ntact" (letter 'o' damaged in scan)
LWB1 | p. 33 |
Paragraph "Evade": Hyphens used instead of minus signs.
LWB1 | p. 35 |
Section "Expertise", paragraph "Parrying": "A character may use
his expertise level in his brawling or blade weapon [skill]
as a negative DM..."
LWB1 | p. 36 |
Line 2: "-5" (hyphen used instead of minus sign).
LWB1 | p. 36 |
Section "Weight", paragraph "Normal Load": "his or her
strength [characteristic]" (singular).
LWB1 | p. 40 |
Sentence "Most submachineguns are equipped..." is duplicated
above "Laser Carbine".
LWB1 | p. 41 |
Paragraph "Shoulder Stocks": "and some greater accuracy at
longer [ranges]".
LWB1 | p. 41 |
Paragraph "Folding Stocks": "DM -1" (hyphen used instead of
minus sign).
LWB1 | p. 46 |
Weapons Matrix, rows "Club", "Dagger", "Foil", "Carbine",
"Rifle": Hyphens used instead of minus signs.
LWB1 | p. 47 |
Range Matrix, rows "Cutlass", "Body Pistol", "Submachinegun":
Hyphens used instead of minus signs.
LWB1 | p. 47 |
Range Matrix, row "Claws", column "Wound Inflicted" should be
2D. Next row should be "Teeth, +2, 0, no, no, no, 2D" (errata
applied to wrong row).
LWB2 | p. 6 |
Paragraph "Misjump": DM for "within 10 planetary diameters"
should be 10 (not 15) - cf. malfunctions table, p. 11.
LWB2 | p. 14 |
Third paragraph: "the computer model (...) indicates the
credit [value]..."
LWB2 | p. 20 |
Second paragraph: "and steward (..." misses closing bracket.
LWB2 | p. 26 |
Section "Basic Parameters", point "2. Space": extraneous
period at end of second to last line (after "show").
LWB2 | p. 29 |
Last line: "During the [ordnance] launch phase".
LWB2 | p. 30 |
Ship's Data Card Example: "T-1 (B,M) Gunnery-1" (not Gunner).
LWB2 | p. 37 |
Paragraph "Formulae": "information needed for [producing]".
LWB2 | p. 48 |
First line: "by 5)" duplicated from p. 46.
LWB2 | p. 48 |
Last paragraph: "Some goods (those results 51 - 56) are sold
individually" (not 66 - vacc suits).
Cf. p. 47 bottom, LWB1 p. 41 (price per unit).
[Rob Eaglestone, 21 Feb 2022]
LWB3 | p. 5 |
Last paragraph: "[They] also serve as the basic routes..."
LWB3 | p. 6 |
Paragraph 7: "universal [world] profile" (not planetary)
[Rob Eaglestone, 21 Feb 2022]
LWB3 | p. 7 |
Paragraph "Law Level": there is an extra space in the formula
("2D-7+ government") that does not appear in the others.
LWB3 | p. 12 |
World Generation Checklist, "D. Planetary hydrographics":
"if atmosphere 0, 1, or [A+]".
LWB3 | p. 12 |
World Data Format, third line: "UWP" (not UPP)
[Rob Eaglestone, 21 Feb 2022]
LWB3 | p. 12 |
World Data Format, last line: extra space is inserted before
the technology level ("C432430- 8").
LWB3 | pp. 14-15 |
The two parts of the technological levels table on
facing pages are vertically misaligned.
LWB3 | p. 14 |
Heavy Weaponry, Tech. Level 1: "[catapult]".
LWB3 | p. 14 |
Computers, Tech. Levels 6, 8: extra space before "bis".
LWB3 | p. 19 |
Last line: "Passenger[s]" (letter 's' damaged in scan)
LWB3 | p. 25 |
Second paragraph: "members will [be] armed" (duplicate word)
LWB3 | p. 25 |
Second to last paragraph, right-hand side: "Two dice",
"determine" (words warped in scan).
LWB3 | p. 30 |
First line: "Animal [W]ounds" (letter 'W' damaged in scan)
LWB3 | p. 31 |
First line: "ablat+1" (plus sign damaged in scan)
LWB3 | p. 31 |
Using the Encounter Tables, second paragraph: "subject to
normal rand[o]m encounter rules" (letter 'o' damaged)
LWB3 | p. 34 |
Paragraph "Formatting": "Each roll ... should [follow] the
letter..." (not be followed by)
LWB3 | p. 43 |
Heading "A[W]ARENESS" (letter 'W' damaged in scan)
LWB3 | p. 43 |
Paragraph "Psionically Enhanced Endurance": "nor may endurance
ever be increased [beyond] 15" (not "to beyond")
LWB1 | p. 22 |
After the errata change to Vehicle skill, are grav belts
considered part of the Grav Vehicle category?
LWB1 | pp. 30, 33 |
The listing "Combat Procedure" on p. 30 does not state
clearly whether all targets and attacks should be declared
before any throws are made. The same applies to the paragraph
"Basic Required Throw" on p. 33, second sentence: "He or she
must then make a basic throw...". Is the word "then" here
meant to imply that the throw is made immediately after the
target is declared? This would give an advantage in that attacks
could be declared based on knowledge of prior throws despite
all attacks conceptually occuring at the same time.
LWB1 | p. 33 |
First paragraph: In what order should the characters (player
and non-player) state their movement status?
LWB1 | p. 33 |
Section "Combat Resolution": "A series of throws, in which
each participating individual capable of making a combat throw
makes one, is called a combat round". Does every individual
have to attack if they can? (Presume no.)
Suggestion: "... in which each individual capable of doing so is
allowed to make a combat throw, ..."
LWB1 | p. 34 |
It is very hard to tell directly from the text who or what
determines the particular characteristic that a regular (i.e.
not "first blood") wound should be applied to. (Presume
defender's choice.)
LWB1 | p. 34 |
The words "wound", "wounds", "hits", and "points" are used
without clear definition, making it hard to tell from the text
that "the first wound received" refers to (presume) the sum
total of damage thrown.
LWB1 | p. 34 |
"As a result, first blood may immediately incapacitate or even
kill": The sentence confusingly seems to imply that somehow
otherwise the wound could not incapacitate or kill.
Suggestion: Replace "immediately" with "easily".
LWB1 | p. 34 |
"Once a characteristic has been reduced to zero, further
points...": The text does not make it clear how to determine
the next characteristic that "overflow" damage should apply
to. (Presume the same way as the first.)
Suggestion: "... further points must be applied to other
characteristics determined in the same way." Move the sentence
to the beginning of the paragraph to bring it closer to the
mentions of how to determine the affected characteristic.
LWB1 | p. 34 |
"Round fractions against the character" (presume down):
Replace with "Round fractions down"? NB: LWB p. 155 states
"round down" (only) in the context of characters who never go
LWB1 | p. 35 |
Section "Expertise", paragraph "Parrying": (a long gun) "is
treated as a brawling weapon (a cudgel)". However, Cudgels are
classified as polearms, not brawling weapons in section
"Combat Equipment" on p. 37. Should the parenthesis on p. 35
be changed to "(a club)"? Otherwise it is unclear which skill
to use (Brawling or Cudgel). NB, 1977 edition: "... uses the
gun as a brawling weapon (as a club, for example)."
LWB1 | p. 36 |
Section "Morale": "+1 if the party is a military unit". Does
this mean a unit in active military service? Can a "party of
adventurers" (first sentence) be such a military unit? If not,
should "of adventurers" be removed from the first sentence?
LWB1 | p. 36 |
Section "Morale": "-2 if the leader is killed". Does this
modifier apply only when killed or also when unconscious?
While the wording is clear in itself, brevity, surrounding
mentions of "casualties (unconscious or dead)", and the
following questions confuse it.
(a) Do "leader present" bonuses still apply when the leader is
unconscious? (Presume no.)
(b) Do bonuses of a new leader apply immediately (in the same
round)? (Presume yes.)
(c) Does killing an unconscious leader who has already been
replaced still incur -2 and if so for how long? (Presume no.)
Suggestion: "+1 if [any] leader (leader skill) is present [and
conscious]; ...; -2 if the [current] leader is killed (...)"
LWB1 | p. 42 |
Paragraph "Drawing", last sentence: "... achieves surprise..."
- make clear that this means essentially an extra attack?
LWB2 | p. 14 |
Fourth paragraph about bis models: "treated as the next higher
level for jump support, but as the next lower level for
software selection". On its own, "next lower level" could be
misunderstood to mean one level lower numerically.
Suggestion: "but as the [base] level for software..."
LWB2 | p. 31 |
Game Turn Sequence, Native Player Turn: This section is word
for word identical to Intruder Player Turn with only the roles
reversed. This is not obvious since the text only defers to
the table (p. 26 bottom).
Suggestion: Add one sentence below "Native Player Turn" and
remove phase descriptions (retain letters and phase names):
"Same as intruder turn with the roles reversed.
A. Native Movement.
B. Native Laser Fire.
E. Native Computer Reprogramming."
LWB2 | p. 36 |
Last paragraph: Point out that the sample planetary template
is not at the standard scale as described?
Suggestion: "The sample planetary template (of reduced size)..."
LWB2 | p. 39 |
Maneuver/evade: The wording "take the fraction of pilot skill
and drop any fractions" is confusing. Take which fraction and
drop it along with all others?
Suggestion: "take the indicated fraction of pilot skill and
round down".
LWB2 | p. 39 |
Auto/evade: It is unclear how exactly A/e is "similar" to M/e
and what "at a lower level" means. Is it similar in that it
allows maneuvering, i.e. acceleration during the movement
phase? (Presume no.) Can it be used without the maneuver
program? (Presume yes.) Or does the wording "use of the
maneuver drive as required" under M/e mean to imply that
evasion requires the M-drive and therefore Maneuver?
Suggestion: Switch the order of paragraphs, explaining
Auto/evade first and Maneuver/evade as an extension of it.
"Auto/evade is a program which automatically produces minor
movement for a ship (independent of the maneuver program),
thus reducing the chances of the ship being hit by laser fire;
it allows a defensive DM against laser fire of -2.
Maneuver/evade is a series of six programs that are similar to
auto/evade, but perform at a higher level. Each has a DM based
on pilot expertise (take the indicated fraction of pilot skill
and round down). In addition, these programs allow normal use
of the maneuver drive, in lieu of the maneuver program."
LWB1 | p. 11 |
"The Other career should get two skills per term just like
Scouts." [CotI, daryen 2021]
"The 'other' career is strange, and double skill would seem to
balance it, however I think there might be better ways."
[Rob Eaglestone, 21 Feb 2022]
LWB1 | p. 14 |
The cash table includes entries for a roll of 7 for the Navy,
Scout, and Merchant careers, even though such a roll is not
possible (these careers cannot yield Gambling expertise).
LWB1 | p. 15 |
Service Skills Table, Army career: Should "Air/Raft" be Grav
Vehicle? Cf. pp. 17, 22, LWB p. 154.
LWB1 | p. 15 |
There appears to be no way to obtain ATV expertise from the
acquired skills tables.
LWB1 | p. 15 |
Both education tables are titled "Advanced Education Table".
Consider text on p. 10 (second to last paragraph): "The fourth
is available only through advanced education". Should only the
fourth table be called "Advanced"?
LWB1 | p. 17 |
Should "Air/Raft" skill be Grav Vehicle? Cf. p. 22, LWB p. 154.
LWB1 | p. 18 |
Should ATVs (and AFVs) be covered by wheeled or tracked
vehicle skill? Cf. p. 22, LWB p. 154.